Cheap Server Rack For Home

I've seen this question pop up from time to time and in my opinion I don't think you could go wrong with an iStarUSA 15U Rack.  Sure it isn't a full size rack but for home it is perfect.

The iStarUSA 15u rack is awesome because it's tall hold a fair bit of systems you may need and it has wheels.  Having wheels is actually really nice, even though racks don't move around much, if you are working in a tight space you can pull it out of a closet or slide left or right to squeeze next to it.  Over all it's really nice especially considering you can get it for less $150 USD.  You can find them on NewEgg for less than $150 usually.

Now, of course you can always get a used one off eBay or Craigslist for $50 bucks and it be a 42u rack!  How dope is that!  Those racks are bit too tall for my home use however.  You can find other shorter racks also but typically they bit more expensive and used (if that matters to that you).  Cheap isn't a fair word to use when describing this rack, inexpensive sure, but quality wise, it's pretty nice.  I banged, hit, slid, and dinged the frame several times and it hasn't flaked, scratched, or shown any signs of wear and tear.  It is pretty easy to assemble and every 19" Server chassis fits it.  You can also adjust the distance between posts if you'd like.  Needless to say, I would buy this rack all over again and highly recommend to anyone looking for relatively small rack for the house.

If you want to see more you can check out this video that showcases the rack, although it is not the primary focus or point of the video.  You can watch it if want a better idea of what to expect.